cinnabar gate - adventurers and other figures

as you pursue adventuring work across the Sea of Flowers, you'll likely come across other adventurers out on their own jobs. some of them, along with other figures, are listed below. this page is also a continuous work in progress (like the locations and peoples pages), where we'll add stuff as we get around to writing it, so info here is likely to get added or changed or even removed over time!

/'ɑ:ɹ.koʊs/, AR-kohs

  • long name: Arcos Txo Trz /'ɑ:ɹ.koʊs tˣoʊ 't͡ʃɹ̩.z̩/, AR-kohs TXOH CHƏR-zə 1
  • pronouns: they/them, she/her
  • personage: Construct
  • birthplace: the woods, near Ansible Lake
  • awakening day: 1971 Axiqoda 24
  • star sign: Rumixadeta

Arcos is an adventurer that does exploration work to locate relic chambers for the Institute for Meteoërgy, partially as an excuse to learn more about them themself. their awakening artefact is a bell-shaped piece of glass they wear as an accessory. they have experience with weather flow, and a secondary interest in making tinctures and medicines even though they can't fully make use of them. they're energetic and generally pretty cheery. in their free time she likes to explore ruins and abandoned places. they tend to use swords and chain weapons, though they're more interested in them as collector's items.

/bi:/, BEE

  • long name: Beätridz Kvivitézr /'bi:.ə.tʃɹɪdʒ 'kvɪ.vɪ.dʰɛ.zɹ̩/, BEE-ə-chrihj KVI-vi-de-zər
  • pronouns: she/her
  • personage:
  • birthplace: Kvivitézr
  • birthday: 1968 27 Fisýra
  • star sign: Biziwa

Bea is an energetic adventurer currently doing various resource acquisition jobs for different alchemical outfits. she has decent knowledge of floristry and brewing, and mild proficiency with floral flow. she's passionate about a lot of things and quick to try making new friends. her work causes her to travel a lot, but she tries to stay flexible with joining up with adventuring parties when she's able to. she enjoys flower arranging and is familiar with a few different styles of floriography. she usually uses gauntlets to fight but has familiarity with burstlocks as well.

/dɛ.'kɑ:.ɹʌ/, deh-KAH-ruh

  • long name: Decara Boya~mạreimị /dɛ.'kɑ:.ɹʌ bo.ja̰̋.'rei.mḭ/, deh-KAH-ruh bo-YA~-mã-RAY-mĩ
  • pronouns: he/him
  • personage: Tyabrus
  • birthplace: Loëz
  • birthday: 1965 Halsala 9
  • star sign: Ilakogw

/'dɛ.moʊ/, DEH-moh

  • long name: Demo Ciencyclohalvaroxane /'dɛ.moʊ si:n.ˌsaɪ.kloʊ.hæl.və.'ɹɑk.saɪn/, DEH-mo seen-SY-kloh-hal-və-RAHK-sayn
  • pronouns: they/them
  • personage: Slime
  • birthplace: Shutters
  • birthday: 1970 Zoroxa 2
  • star sign: Dehelen

/'i:.ko.naʃ/, EE-ko-nash

  • long name: Iconax ????
  • pronouns: ae/aer
  • personage: Hernite
  • birthplace: ????
  • birthday: 1972 Mitela 18
  • star sign: Dehelen (cusp)

Iconax is a traveling alchemist currently staying in Loëz while working for a local distillery. ae has a lot of experience with brewing and cultivating ingredients, on top of being pretty good with flow. aer main flow skills are more supportive, and mostly weather and mineral based. ae tries to be upbeat, but often slips into a more depressive state, especially if something reminds aer of aer past2. ae keeps a recipe book of things ae's made with aer and adds to it as ae experiments. aer main method of combat is by using aer brewing experience to make potion bombs, and by helping aer fellow adventurers.

/'ɪ:.nɛs/, IH-nes

  • long name: Xwétetésen Innes /xʷə.'te.tə.sen 'ɪ:.nɛs/, khwə-TEH-tə-sen IH-nes
  • pronouns: she/her
  • personage: Tanaĝuń
  • birthplace: Niṣkurun
  • birthday: 1962 Toxýra 11
  • star sign: Iramatuwaný

/'kɹ̩.mɪt/, KƏR-mit

  • long name: Kermit Ogden Delavan /'kɚ.mɪt ɑg.dɛn deɪ.lə.'vɑn/, KƏR-mit ahg-den day-lə-VAHN
  • pronouns: he/him
  • personage: Kekel
  • birthplace: --
  • birthday: 1957 Séxelý 31
  • star sign: Isibivaný

Kermit is a courier and member of the Delavan rave that travels around the Sea of Flowers on his deliveries. he has a lot of knowledge of transit routes, ins with a few businesses, and can occasionally summon other members of his rave for help. he's kinda blunt and spends a lot of time on work, but can still be plenty friendly when in a party. he's into philately and tries to collect stamps from different places he's been. he doesn't really know much flow, and tends to just use a short blade if the need arises.

/ɑk.'toʊ.bɹ̩/, ahk-TOH-bər

  • long name: October Wanei /ɑk.'toʊ.bɹ̩ wa.'nei/, ahk-TOH-bər wa-NEI
  • pronouns: he/him, it/its
  • personage: Moti
  • birthplace: Loëz
  • birthday: 1971 Fisýra 22
  • star sign: Goxex́ueki

October is a researcher focusing on arcane mechanics and Break between odd jobs. he has a lot of knowledge on the historical usage of Break, but doesn't really have experience with using it on account of it mostly being lost info. it's pretty good with light flow, and uses knives as a focus to channel safely channel amounts of it he wouldn't otherwise be able to handle3. he's reserved a lot of the time, but not very serious or dire or anything, and is more than willing to make a deadpan joke. he seems kinda tired often. even when taking a break from researching it likes to hang out in libraries. he has a miniature moss garden in a jar as a pet.

/', PAH-leeh-koh

  • long name: Oksara-ka Polycho /ok̚.'sa.ɹa ka ', ohk-SAH-rah kah PAH-leeh-koh
  • pronouns: he/him, she/her
  • personage: Keäton
  • birthplace: Soułxén
  • birthday: 1971 Zoroxa 32
  • star sign: Rumixamedýöhý

/zɛ.dɛ.'kaɪ.ə/, ze-de-KAI-ə

  • long name: Zedeqaiah
  • pronouns: they/them
  • personage: Heapfolk
  • birthplace: Pãnukon Meadow
  • birthday: 1973 Sqéqelý 17
  • star sign: Laqosimazý

Zedeqaiah is an arcanist that does adventuring work around Camp. they have a lot of skill with most types of flow, and specifically excel at mineral flow. they like to joke around and prank people, and often operate on their own odd schedule. they have an interest in stage magic and occasionally set aside time to practice while out working.

/'ko.ska/, KO-ska

  • long name: Alton Koska /'ɑl.tən 'ko.ska/, AHL-tən KO-ska
  • pronouns: he/him
  • personage: Éntañi (skeleton)
  • birthplace: Loëz?
  • birthday: ???? Liägýra 6
  • star sign: Biziwa

Sr. Tengexw
/sɝ 'ten.gexʷ/, sur TEN-gexw

  • long name: Sir Altaniën Géselét Tengexw /sɝ al.'tæn.ɪ.en gə.'se.lət 'ten.gexʷ/, sur ahl-TAN-ih-en gə-SEH-lət TEN-gexw
  • pronouns: he/him
  • personage: Hernite
  • birthplace: Critical Hill
  • birthday: 1945 Xémala 5
  • star sign: Isibivaný


last updated 02 Jul 24

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