our custom keyboard layout

heads up! some of the characters in the tables below may not show up right. the keyboard layout should still work at least.

this is a custom keyboard layout that we made so we'd have a way to type diacritics (and some other symbols) without needing to copy/paste them over and over. we figured we'd add a link to it here for anyone else that might have some use for it.

the link to the download folder of stuff for it is here. we're honestly not sure what all we need to send out of the msklc package so we're linking all of it. if it's broken, plz let us know!

below are the added key combinations in the layout:

diacritic deadkeys
acute / kreska ' Áá Ćć Éé Ǵǵ Íí Ḱḱ Ĺĺ Ḿḿ Ńń Óó Ṕṕ Ŕŕ Śś Úu Ẃẃ Ýý Źź
diaeresis / umlaut shift + ' Ää Ëë Ḧḧ Ïï Öö Üü Ẅẅ Ẍẍ Ÿÿ
double acute altgr + ' Őő Űű
grave ` Àà Èè Ìì Ǹǹ Òò Ùù Ẁẁ Ỳỳ
tilde shift + ` Ãã Ẽẽ Ĩĩ Ññ Õõ Ũũ Ṽṽ Ỹỹ
circumflex shift + 6 Ââ Ĉĉ Êê Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Îî Ĵĵ Ôô Ŝŝ Ûû Ŵŵ Ŷŷ Ẑẑ
caron / háček altgr + 6 Ǎǎ Čč Ďď Ěě Ǧǧ Ȟȟ Ǐǐ Ǩǩ Ľľ Ňň Ǒǒ Řř Šš Ťť Ǔǔ Žž
ring altgr + 0 Åå Ůů
horn shft + altgr + 0 Ơơ Ưư
macron altgr + - Āā Ēē Ḡḡ Īī Ōō Ūū Ȳȳ
breve shift + altgr + - Ăă Ĕĕ Ğğ Ĭĭ Ŏŏ Ŭŭ
cedilla altgr + , Çç Ḑḑ Ȩȩ Ģģ Ḩḩ Ķķ Ļļ Ņņ Ŗŗ Şş Ţţ
hook above shift + altgr + , Ảả Ẻẻ Ỉỉ Ỏỏ Ủủ Ỷỷ
dot above altgr + . Ȧȧ Ḃḃ Ċċ Ḋḋ Ėė Ḟḟ Ġġ Ḣḣ Ṁṁ Ṅṅ Ȯȯ Ṗṗ Ṙṙ Ṡṡ Ṫṫ Ẇẇ Ẋẋ Ẏẏ Żż
dot below shift + altgr + . Ạạ Ḅḅ Ḍḍ Ẹẹ Ḥḥ Ịị Ḳḳ Ḷḷ Ṃṃ Ṇṇ Ọọ Ṛṛ Ṣṣ Ṭṭ Ụụ Ṿṿ Ẉẉ Ỵỵ Ẓẓ
ogonek altgr + ; Ąą Ęę Įį Ǫǫ Ųų
comma below shift + altgr + ; Șș Țț
other letters
wynn (shift +) altgr + w Ƿƿ
schwa (shift +) altgr + e Əə
thorn (shift +) altgr + t Þþ
dotless i altgr + i ı
dotted I shift + altgr + i İ
o with stroke (shift +) altgr + o Øø
oethel (shift +) altgr + p Œœ
ash (shift +) altgr + a Ææ
eszett (shift +) altgr + s ẞß
eth (shift +) altgr + d Ðð
dyet (shift +) altgr + f Đđ
h with bar (shift +) altgr + h Ħħ
barred lambda altgr + k ƛ
l with stroke (shift +) altgr + l Łł
ezh (shift +) altgr + z Ʒʒ
eng (shift +) altgr + n Ŋŋ
phonetic symbols
unvoiced labiovelar approximant altgr + q ʍ
labialization shift + altgr + q ʷ
voiced uvular fricative altgr + r ʁ
uvularization shift + altgr + r ʶ
unvoiced dental fricative altgr + y θ
voiced alveolar approximant shift + altgr + y ɹ
near-close back vowel altgr + u ʊ
near-close front vowel shift + altgr + u ɪ
glottal stop altgr + g ʔ
glottalization shift + altgr + g ˀ
palatal nasal altgr + j ɲ
palatalization shift + altgr + j ʲ
lateral fricative shift + altgr + k ɬ
unvoiced uvular fricative altgr + x χ
velar friction shift + altgr + x ˣ
voiceless post-alveolar fricative altgr + c ʃ
aspiration shift + altgr + c ʰ
voiced velar fricative altgr + v ɣ
velarization shift + altgr + v ˠ
voiced bilabial fricative altgr + b β
unvoiced bilabial fricative shift + altgr + b ɸ
labiopalatalization shift + altgr + m
other symbols
ʻokina altgr + ` ʻ
wave dash shift + altgr + `
inverted exclamation mark altgr + 1 ¡
superscript 1 shift + altgr + 1 ¹
superscript 2 altgr + 2 ²
interrobang shift + altgr + 2
superscript 3 altgr + 3 ³
dagger shift + altgr + 3
cent symbol altgr + 4 ¢
pound symbol shift + altgr + 4 £
euro symbol altgr + 5
yen symbol shift + altgr + 5 ¥
degree sign shift + altgr + 6 °
copyright symbol altgr + 7 ©
registered trademark symbol shift + altgr + 7 ®
left guillemet altgr + 8 «
left single guillemet shift + altgr + 8
right guillemet altgr + 9 »
right single guillemet shift + altgr + 9
multiplication sign altgr + = ×
division sign shift + altgr + = ÷
left angle quote altgr + [
left double angle quote shift + altgr + [
right angle quote altgr + ]
right double angle quote shift + altgr + ]
negation symbol altgr + \ ¬
broken bar shift + altgr + \ ¦
mu altgr + m µ
inverted question mark altgr + / ¿
interpunct shift + altgr + / ·



last updated 09 Oct 24

link to the site!