NOTE: some of the characters in the example table don't show up right. the keyboard layout should still work. sorry.

this is a custom keyboard layout i made so i'd have a way to type diacritics (plus some phonology symbols) without needing to copy/paste them every time. i figured i'd add it here for anyone else that might have some use for it.

the link to download the folder of stuff for it is here. i'm honestly not sure what all i need to send out of the msklc package so i'm linking all of it. if it's broken, let me know.

below are the different key combinations in the layout:

diacritic deadkeys
acute / kreska'Áá Ćć Éé Ǵǵ Íí Ḱḱ Ĺĺ Ḿḿ Ńń Óó Ṕṕ Ŕŕ Śś Úu Ẃẃ Ýý Źź
diaeresis / umlautshift + 'Ää Ëë Ḧḧ Ïï Öö Üü Ẅẅ Ẍẍ Ÿÿ
double acutealtgr + 'Őő Űű
grave`Àà Èè Ìì Ǹǹ Òò Ùù Ẁẁ Ỳỳ
tildeshift + `Ãã Ẽẽ Ĩĩ Ññ Õõ Ũũ Ṽṽ Ỹỹ
circumflexshift + 6Ââ Ĉĉ Êê Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Îî Ĵĵ Ôô Ŝŝ Ûû Ŵŵ Ŷŷ Ẑẑ
caron / háčekaltgr + 6Ǎǎ Čč Ďď Ěě Ǧǧ Ȟȟ Ǐǐ Ǩǩ Ľľ Ňň Ǒǒ Řř Šš Ťť Ǔǔ Žž
ringaltgr + 0Åå Ůů
hornshift + altgr + 0Ơơ Ưư
macronaltgr + -Āā Ēē Ḡḡ Īī Ōō Ūū Ȳȳ
breveshift + altgr + -Ăă Ĕĕ Ğğ Ĭĭ Ŏŏ Ŭŭ
cedillaaltgr + ,Çç Ḑḑ Ȩȩ Ģģ Ḩḩ Ķķ Ļļ Ņņ Ŗŗ Şş Ţţ
hook aboveshift + altgr + ,Ảả Ẻẻ Ỉỉ Ỏỏ Ủủ Ỷỷ
dot abovealtgr + .Ȧȧ Ḃḃ Ċċ Ḋḋ Ėė Ḟḟ Ġġ Ḣḣ Ṁṁ Ṅṅ Ȯȯ Ṗṗ Ṙṙ Ṡṡ Ṫṫ Ẇẇ Ẋẋ Ẏẏ Żż
dot belowshift + altgr + .Ạạ Ḅḅ Ḍḍ Ẹẹ Ḥḥ Ịị Ḳḳ Ḷḷ Ṃṃ Ṇṇ Ọọ Ṛṛ Ṣṣ Ṭṭ Ụụ Ṿṿ Ẉẉ Ỵỵ Ẓẓ
ogonekaltgr + ;Ąą Ęę Įį Ǫǫ Ųų
comma belowshift + altgr + ;Șș Țț

other letters
wynn(shift +) altgr + wǷƿ
schwa(shift +) altgr + eƏə
thorn(shift +) altgr + tÞþ
dotless ialtgr + iı
dotted Ishift + altgr + iİ
o with stroke(shift +) altgr + oØø
oethel(shift +) altgr + pŒœ
ash(shift +) altgr + aÆæ
eszett(shift +) altgr + sẞß
eth(shift +) altgr + dÐð
dyet(shift +) altgr + fĐđ
h with bar(shift +) altgr + hĦħ
barred lambdaaltgr + kƛ
l with stroke(shift +) altgr + lŁł
ezh(shift +) altgr + zƷʒ
eng(shift +) altgr + nŊŋ

phonetic symbols
unvoiced labiovelar approximantaltgr + qʍ
labializationshift + altgr + qʷ
voiced uvular fricativealtgr + rʁ
uvularizationshift + altgr + rʶ
unvoiced dental fricativealtgr + yθ
voiced alveolar approximantshift + altgr + yɹ
near-close back vowelaltgr + uʊ
near-close front vowelshift + altgr + uɪ
glottal stopaltgr + gʔ
glottalizationshift + altgr + gˀ
palatal nasalaltgr + jɲ
palatalizationshift + altgr + jʲ
lateral fricativeshift + altgr + kɬ
unvoiced uvular fricativealtgr + xχ
velar fricationshift + altgr + xˣ
voiceless post-alveolar fricativealtgr + cʃ
aspirationshift + altgr + cʰ
voiced velar fricativealtgr + vɣ
velarizationshift + altgr + vˠ
voiced bilabial fricativealtgr + bβ
unvoiced bilabial fricativeshift + altgr + bɸ
labiopalatalizationshift + altgr + m

other symbols
ʻokinaaltgr + `ʻ
wave dashshift + altgr + `
inverted exclamation markaltgr + 1¡
superscript 1shift + altgr + 1¹
superscript 2altgr + 2²
interrobangshift + altgr + 2
superscript 3altgr + 3³
daggershift + altgr + 3
cent symbolaltgr + 4¢
pound symbolshift + altgr + 4£
euro symbolaltgr + 5
yen symbolshift + altgr + 5¥
degree signshift + altgr + 6°
copyright symbolaltgr + 7©
registered trademark symbolshift + altgr + 7®
left guillemetaltgr + 8«
left single guillemetshift + altgr + 8
right guillemetaltgr + 9»
right single guillemetshift + altgr + 9
multiplication signaltgr + =×
division signshift + altgr + =÷
left angle quotealtgr + [
left double angle quoteshift + altgr + [
right angle quotealtgr + ]
right double angle quoteshift + altgr + ]
negation symbolaltgr + \¬
broken barshift + altgr + \¦
mualtgr + mµ
inverted question markaltgr + /¿
interpunctshift + altgr + /·

v2 (23 feb 23):
- rebuilt the entire thing (bc i noticed the original version was attributed to my deadname for some reason and i didnt have the original project file)
- added unvoiced labiovelar approximant (ʍ) to altgr + q
- added voiced alveolar approximant (ɹ) to shift + altgr + y
- moved near-close back vowel (ʊ) to altgr + u (originally at shift + altgr + b)
- moved near-close front vowel (ɪ) to shift + altgr + u (originally at altgr + b)
- added palatal nasal (ɲ) to altgr + j
- added voiced bilabial fricative (β) to altgr + b
- added unvoiced bilabial fricative (ɸ) to shift + altgr + b
- moved labiopalatalization (ᶣ) to shift + altgr + m (originally at shift + altgr + u)
- added inverted exclamation mark (¡) to altgr + 1 (this didn't change but i forgot to list it originally)
- added superscript 1 (¹) to shift + altgr + 1
- added interrobang (‽) to shift + altgr + 2
- added dagger (†) to shift + altgr + 3
- fixed a typo on "registeres trademark symbol" that i think i somehow missed for like 2 years oops

v1 (18 jan 21) - initial version